Saturday, July 30, 2011

Days 24, 25, 26 & 27

Day 24: Very tired day for some reason.  Felt a little rough.  Did my 2 cardios at the gym, then on to weights with Courtney.  Lunch was yummy: whole wheat pasta with marinara and turkey meatballs.  The doctor they contract with, Dr. Deleplante, did our lecture today.  She talked about all the diseases and ailments that are either caused by or aggravated by being overweight.  And of course stressed that exercise and a healthy diet are the best treatments.  Then Austan talked about not making excuses so you will have a positive outcome from the exercise and the eating.  Then we were off to the gym for weights.  Back for stretching and flexibility class, then the usual dinner buffet.  Went to my final Zumba with Camillo and the group!  Lots of fun.  Pop chips and bed!  Burned 2,025 calories...

Day 25: Crossed several things off my "to accomplish" list I made when I came here thus far.  I can no do the elliptical and other cardio machines with no hands holding on.  This works your core more, but makes balance much more difficult.  That is something that has really improved for me: balance!  Also, I finally ran on the treadmill: 4 mph!  Whew!  Watching too much Biggest Loser made me paranoid of falling off while running.  Serena ran it with me.  It was awesome!  She has been such a wonderful support here for me.  The other trainers were great too.  Here's some pics of them...

Austan (owner of this camp), Courtney, Jamyn & Desiree

Brenna & Jacque



Becca (our chef) & Serena

After lunch (egg salad sandwiches on rye bread, a first for me, quinoa salad and fruit: good), we headed out to the Super Target for our grocery store lesson on sugar this time.  We looked at how many things that you wouldn't imagine have sugar: breads, etc.  We should only have 40 grams or less of added sugars (not including natural sugars from fruit, etc.) per day.  I asked about my addiction to caffeine free tea sweetened with Splenda.  Of course those sweeteners are a no-no.  But the new all natural version of Stevia (Truvia, etc.) is perfectly fine.  So hopefully I can get used to that and keep my morning tea fix!  Later we had water aerobics with Serena, then some of us met with Elena to go over some outside things we can do without needing a gym or equipment.  Then I had my last one-on-one with Jacque.  We just went over being realistic when we get home with our exercise routine and dietary plan.  We can't say we'll never have something again, or we'll fall of the wagon so to speak eventually.  We just need to find balance and eat those things in moderation and only at times.  He also reminded me to mix it up with exercise, being sure to include some days of just leisurely things like a nice walk with someone, etc...  Then we had foam roll with Desiree and our dinner buffet (won't miss that!).  I did my evening workout here at the hotel gym (cardio & abs) to have plenty of time to get ready for my massage with Ana.  Wonderful as usual!  Pop chips & bed.  Burned 2,866 calories...

Day 26: After our breakfast buffet, we headed off for our big Friday weight's day!  This time we did arms first with Desiree and then the next round with Austan and legs.  Whew!  Gonna be sore tonight!  We were late getting back, so went right into our BBQ.  This time we had salmon (tried for the 1st time: little too fishy for me) and chicken, with a barley pasta salad and fruit.  Very good, as usual.  Then Austan wanted to meet for a final talk about my exercise plan (hope to exercise at least 1 & 1/2 hours per day, 5 days per week, in some fashion, till get to goal total loss of 68 pounds) and to see if I had any final questions.  Then straight to the hike to end the day (my last workout here).  We ended up going back to the same one I did my very first time!  Took a different route though.  Still beautiful!  Dinner was one of the best yet: Barley stuffed bell peppers, carrot/potatoe mash and fruit with a yogurt glaze.  Later went to the mall with the girls to look for souveniers for the nieces and then home for pop chips and bed!  Burned 2,578 calories...

Day 27: It is finally here!  Final assessment: I lost another 3 lbs. and about 5 more inches.  So my grand totals after 4 weeks are 13 pounds and 21.5 inches gone!  My last day, so I decided to make it my reward day.  I went to Blush Spa to have my hair done by Courtney's girlfriend Susan.  She did a great job!  I missed Rumbi's for lunch, which was my favorite place we ate out, so Laila brought my chicken and shrimp dish back for me.  Yum!  Now it's time to pack.  I'm a little sad knowing tonight will be my last dinner and chat with all the girls together.  I hope we are all able to keep in touch and keep inspiring each other like we have done here.  I don't know that I would have made it without them constantly being there to cheer each other on, share and little "complaining" when needed, etc.  Being away from family and friends is hard, but having them all made things a little easier.  So a big shout out to Laila, Rae, Barbara, Charlotte, Teresa and Alicia for everything, and of course to all the trainers!  But I am SUPER EXCITED about getting home tomorrow!  I can't wait to see everyone.  My flight gets into the Roanoke airport at 4:41 p.m. if all goes well.  Let's hope so!  Since I have to be in Richmond Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. for a VDOE licensure meeting!  I'm going to continue my blog till I reach my goal, whenever that may be, for those who are interested in continuing to read.  But I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to those of you who have been supporting me in so many ways with your blog replies, calls, texts, emails, word of mouth messages through my family & friends, etc.  As I couldn't have made it without my new friends here, I wouldn't have made it without you all as well!  And fortunately for me, there are way too many of you to name!  I also feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity to learn and condition and try new things and ...  you name it!  I'll keep you all posted...  55 pounds to go...

1 comment:

  1. Well Kim I am pretty sure that I need to at least lose 55 if not more. Hopefully we can get together next weekend and maybe you can help me come up with an exercise routine that I can handle with two boys. I am so proud to have a friend like you and soooo excited to see the new you!!!
